Here’s Why You’re Overwhelmed & Stressed in Your Online Business…and What You Can Do About It to Earn Your First $5K Online
As entrepreneurs, we start our businesses with boundless drive and optimism. But, sometimes, there’s SO much drive that we zoom right past the fundamental steps of building a solid foundation. And that often leads to frustration, burnout, and worrying about whether you’ll have enough steam to keep going…
After years of working with my clients, speaking with my online community and friends, and hearing from literally dozens of online business owners, I’ve identified patterns that explain why they found themselves stuck despite starting their ventures bubbling over with enthusiasm. (Oh, and I’m included in this group, because I was also stuck four years ago when I launched my online business! That’s why I have my clients focus on avoiding burnout…because I know what it’s like AND how to avoid it.))
Which is why I’m sharing the challenges (and solutions!) my clients and I have encountered as we faced potential pitfalls in our businesses on our way to making our first $5K online. And if you’ve followed me for a while, you know my coaching style is not about hustling at any cost. It’s about focusing on both wealth AND health.
So you’ll want to pull up a chair (or a smartphone!) and listen in on these valuable lessons in my upcoming Earn Your First $5K Online masterclass series!
You’ll learn how to shorten the learning curve in your online business and shift out of frustration and burnout and into earning your first $5K online.
Register today to receive daily reminders of when and where I’m going live and have the recorded videos land directly in your inbox!
The sessions will be jam-packed with strategies for:
- Refining your offer so it appeals to your target audience
- Setting up systems for attracting ideal clients vs. chasing them
- Hitting your first $5K in revenue and aiming for $5K per month
- Enjoying the time freedom you’ve always craved (if you feel super busy in your online business or too tied down to your offline business, this one’s for you!)
- Shifting your offline business online so that you can stop trading time for money
So, who is this masterclass series for?
The information I’ll be sharing is especially geared toward:
- online business owners who haven’t yet reached the $5K mark,
- online business owners who aren’t hitting $5K consistently,
- traditional (offline) business owners who want to migrate all or part of their business online, and
- traditional (offline) business owners who want to start a brand new online business (whether it’s in the same industry or a new one).
Read on for a sample of some of the struggles and strategies we’ll discuss during the masterclass series…
PROBLEM: “Why isn’t anyone buying my offer?”
One thing you can say about most entrepreneurs? We’re passionate.
Too often, we go from zero to 60mph when launching our businesses. We burst onto the scene and start selling asap, hoping to gain traction along the way. But in the process, we’ve skipped an important step: getting clear on who our ideal client is and what problem they want to solve. Your solution to that problem needs to be something that they’re ready to invest in.
Then, when we don’t get the results we want, we feel overwhelmed and frustrated and think, “why isn’t this working??”
And the answer is simple: we’ve either been selling to the wrong people, or we’re using a strategy that doesn’t align with how we want to run our business. Sometimes both!
SOLUTION: Build a profitable foundation by defining your ideal client and how you want to run your business.
So many entrepreneurs (myself included) skip this crucial step. I get that it’s not as sexy or cool as aiming for consistent $10K months. But without this foundation, it’s going to be extremely challenging to even reach your first $5K, let alone generate that amount consistently. That’s why this piece is included in my masterclass: so you can get this part RIGHT in your business!
Defining Your Ideal Client
To sell your offer successfully, you need to REALLY understand your ideal client, including:
- what they struggle with,
- what they want and need, and
- how they want to feel.
Become fluent in your ideal client’s thoughts, and you’ll communicate in a way that naturally attracts them to you. Your audience will know you understand them and empathize with the problems they face. And they’ll see your offer as the solution that will help them transform. Which translates into dollars in your bank account.
Defining How You Want to Run Your Business
Are you building a business that aligns with how you want to show up every day?
Or are you just offering something that you THINK will sell, but you aren’t really passionate about?
If it’s the latter, it just won’t be sustainable over the long term. Your soul needs to be ALL IN on your business, and that’s not going to happen if you’re not in love with what you do. There’s no point in building a business for a year and then either getting bored or running out of steam. Build a business you LOVE and want to run for years to come.
And if you’re having trouble finding clients? I’m willing to bet that you’re using someone else’s strategy for growth instead of following your own style and preferences.
For example, if you’re being told to market on Facebook, but you’re all about Instagram’s vibe, listen to your own gut about where you should focus your marketing energy. Tune in to the first masterclass session on Thursday, June 2nd, to hear my tips on building that solid foundation so that you can earn your first $5K online and avoid burnout from spending time on a platform you don’t like using. Because, NEWSFLASH: If you don’t like using it now, you definitely won’t like it after using over the next year.
PROBLEM: “I’m so tired of constantly chasing clients!”
Nothing sucks the wind out of your entrepreneurial sails like having to hustle nonstop to find clients. It leads to overwhelm, frustration, and burnout. And you did NOT launch your own business just to end up exhausted and ready to quit.
SOLUTION: Use client attraction systems to keep ideal clients flowing into your business without trading your time.
When you use client attraction systems,
- people can find you online and know exactly what you offer and how you can serve them,
- people can purchase your products or services online, and
- you can invoice clients & collect payment.
Basically, client attraction systems allow your marketing efforts to march on and work for you, even while you sleep. Set it up once and let it do its thing: making it easier for your ideal clients to find you and work with you. THAT is the secret to having the time freedom you want!
And even if you have an offline business, there are components that you can bring online to boost your income. Because why not?? Supplementing your income with an online presence propels your income closer to your goals! Besides, there’s something so liberating about not relying solely on local customers and being tied to working in one place. (If you’ve seen the pictures from all of my travels over the past year, you know what I mean.)
The bottom line is that growing your business does not always require you to trade time for money. And that’s why I truly believe in focusing on wealth AND health when growing your business. I’ll cover those details on day two of the masterclass sessions on Friday, June 3rd. Get ready to have a client attraction system that generates your first $5K (and then keeps it going consistently)!
PROBLEM: “I can’t run my business online because <insert BIG FAT MYTH>!”
As a coach for fearless female entrepreneurs, I’ve heard ALL the limiting beliefs that keep women from experiencing skyrocketing success in their businesses.
- “Online business? I’m too old to understand all the technology!”
- “I’d like to invest in coaching, but first, I need to get some clients…”
- “If I have an online business, I’ll have to spend ALL MY TIME online!”
- “If I invest in a coach, that’ll drain money away from me and my business.”
SOLUTION: Bust through the myths and adopt an abundance mindset.
I can tell you from experience — those MYTHS only serve to hold you back from building a business that honors your wealth AND your health. In most cases, a simple shift in mindset is enough to overcome those limiting beliefs. Then watch out…because once you clear away the doubts, your business will start to sizzle. And earning your first $5K online? It’ll be just the beginning of your business success story.
In the masterclass session on Monday, June 6th, I’ll discuss more myths and how to navigate them with an abundance mindset.
Want to get more detail on all these strategies and have them delivered to your inbox?
Register now to get daily reminders for the live masterclass videos AND receive the recorded videos directly in your inbox!
See you at the first masterclass on June 2nd, when you’ll start preparing to earn your first $5K online!