Three Foundational Steps to Launch a Sustainable Online Business
Much like a stable building, you can’t build a sustainable business without a foundation. Yet, I see so many heart-centered entrepreneurs skipping this vital step and wasting a lot of time and money. Worse yet, they are risking their wellbeing due to unnecessary overwhelm.
The good news – you can avoid stress, overwhelm, and limiting your earning potential…by choosing to implement the foundational steps in your business.
Today, I am sharing with you actionable advice. It’s my three-step foundational plan that has allowed my clients and me to build scalable businesses. More than that, the plan has allowed online business owners (like you) to create true freedom in their lives.
Are you ready to learn how to build a sustainable online business…the right way?
Great! Let’s start.
Money is not everything. But it is your business foundation…for a 10K online business.
Many of you want to help people get transformational results. That’s your passion. But you also want to build a profitable business. And the best way to do so is by getting honest about money.
I don’t mean the money you will be making (more on that later). I mean the money you will need to create a sustainable business. Taking time to figure this out will save you so much time, money, and overwhelm.
So let’s begin. Here is how you calculate how much you will need to build a life of freedom and a sustainable & profitable online business.
- List all your living expenses (ex. mortgage/rent, utilities, food, etc.).
- List all your business expenses (fees, memberships, online systems, marketing, taxes due, etc.).
- Add the amounts in steps 1 and 2 to calculate the money you need to make annually.
- Now, take this annual amount and break it down into monthly amounts.
As you grow, this amount will change. But writing this out (and creating a pie chart of this) will help you understand how much income you need and where your money is going.
If you plan on traveling, investing in a retirement plan, or investing in a home or car – add these amounts into your monthly income calculation for the year.
This is how you account for the money you will need to earn in your online business. It’s one of the many exercises I work on with my one-on-one private coaching clients.
Through this exercise, they can create a business that gives them the freedom and lifestyle they desire – without burnout. And it’s in alignment with my coaching approach of focusing on health AND wealth – one reason my clients love working with me.
If you are thinking, “This is great! But how do I get there?” The next step will help you create the offer to get you there.
Get clear on your offer and audience – with The Rule of 5-Ones.
Your talents and gifts are more than a hobby. They are a calling.
You can start living the lifestyle you want by building an online business that provides transformation with your talents.
But, to make your first 10K online – you need clarity.
You need to create a solid offer that you know your audience needs, wants, and will invest in. Most importantly, you want to work with people who make you feel good – because your time is precious.
You get there with The Rule of 5-Ones by focusing:
???????? One Solid Offer
????️ One Price (How many offers do you need to sell to meet your monthly goals?)
???? One Ideal Client
???? One Platform to BUILD, NURTURE, SELL
???? One Strategy (3 – 6 month plan to sell your offer)
This one rule will guard you against the overwhelm that comes with trying to sell a billion different things at once. It will also help you create the right package to save you time and money.
Best of all, you will create an offer that is precisely what your ideal client needs. Much like you, your clients will obtain the freedom they desire. And they will be blown away at how much of a difference your offer will create in their lifestyle.
If you need more clarity on creating your offer, book a free call with me by clicking here.
On this call, we’ll dive deep into your business and identify the #1 reason you haven’t hit your first 10k online. So you can begin 2021 with clarity & tools to reach your income goals.
Now that you know how to create a solid foundation (and have someone to guide you on creating it) let’s talk about selling your offer.
The Three C’s for selling your offer.
Confidence, Communication, and Clear Messaging are the Three Cs you need to successfully sell your offer online. So you can claim your life of freedom, flexibility, and sustainability.
Let’s begin with the first C by building your Confidence.
Specifically, the confidence in your ability to successfully launch your offer, connect with your ideal audience, and sell your offer.
To achieve this, work on the following steps first:
- Practice daily affirmations or “I am” statements to boost your mindset. You can start by using the following two every morning and night. I am SELLING OUT my offer. I am making $1k with EASE with ONE solid offer.
- Go inward to find your voice (intuition) to understand how you can best serve your ideal clients.
- Write out and share solutions to their problems. Doing so will help them understand EXACTLY how you can help them.
Remember always to bring your thoughts back to opportunity and continue to have self-worth and trust in your ability to transform your clients’ lives.
My one-on-one private clients always appreciated how my support has helped them with their confidence. And in doing so, they can show up more confidently in their business.
Now, let’s work on your second C – Communication.
Your focus here is to communicate with your ONE ideal client. When you share online, remember to create content that speaks to that one client.
Do this by:
- Understanding your ideal client and their pain points
- Starting with market research…before you ever launch your offer.
- Choosing to start communicating in the ONE online platform they hang out
The key is to show up consistently and with confidence.
Last but not least is your third C, Clear Messaging.
Creating and mastering clear messaging highly depends on your market research.
In this step, you dive deep into what your ideal client’s objections are so that you can create content that answers these or educates them on these.
Remember to help them understand how you are the solution they are seeking to their problems and objections.
And soon, you will be able to create a call to action that will lead them on a transformation they seek.
When you take the time to build this three-step foundation for your online business, you will create a sustainable online business the right way. And you will be well on your way to creating a positive transformation in your clients’ lives as well as your own.
Are you ready to build a sustainable and scalable online business?
If you need more clarity on setting your money goals, The Rule of 5-Ones, or The Three Cs of selling your offer, I’m here to help.
Book a free call with me by clicking here.
This call is for the powerful entrepreneur ready to hit their first 10k with the intention to scale to 6 Figures online. And who wants to do this without stress, fear, or overwhelm.
On this call, we’ll dive deep into your business and identify the #1 reason you haven’t hit your first 10k online so that you can begin 2021 with clarity & tools to reach your income goals.
I look forward to helping you build a scalable online business. One that helps you live a life of freedom, flexibility, abundance, and wellness.