Here are the Keys to Scaling Your Business to $10K Months (and Beyond!)
Every online entrepreneur starts with one overarching goal in mind: “I want to scale my business.” Sure, they may start small. But entrepreneurs are notorious for having big dreams!
There’s a problem that many business owners run into, though. And it leads to frustration, burnout, and failed businesses, which is why taking a holistic approach is the best way to grow your business.
Know what it is?
These entrepreneurs didn’t take the time to set a foundation for their business. They didn’t:
- Stop to map out their overall online business strategy.
- Work on their mindset about the value they offer and about receiving money.
- Think about how they want life to look while running their successful business.
Many entrepreneurs I know didn’t think these steps were necessary. I mean, even I didn’t believe they were necessary when I first started my business! I fell into the same trap of rushing to sell my service and make money. But once I saw what was happening, I changed course. Not all business owners do, though, and that’s why they end up feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. And that’s why their businesses ultimately fail.
The goal is not just to make money now; you want your business to make money consistently and increase the amount you make each year. Which happens when you have a strong foundation and a solid plan to scale.
So let’s talk about the business-building steps that will help you scale your business WITHOUT the overwhelm.
Business Strategy #1: Scale with a One-to-Many Offer
Most entrepreneurs start with one-to-one offers. Although these can help you establish your business, ultimately, they limit your ability to make money.
Let’s say you’re aiming for a $10K month, and you have a $2K offer. You need to sell 5 offers every month to hit your goal. Unless, of course, you have a service that’s spread out over, say, three months. So now you need to add even more clients to hit that monthly $10K number. Having more clients translates to a lot more work and less free time.
The key to scaling your business without overwhelm is developing a one-to-many offer. This will allow you to grow without having to trade ALL of your time.
The process starts with creating one product that delivers a valuable solution for a particular client. As long as there are many more of that same type of client out in the world, you’ll have a large target audience for your solution. And you’ll be able to serve more people, which is a bonus!
You put the work into creating that ONE product, and then you sell it over and over again. Some entrepreneurs sell books; others sell courses. Group coaching falls into this category, too. You can even reuse your launch content as part of your marketing strategy, including social media, email campaigns, lives, in-person events, etc. Serving clients in this way allows you to reach more people more efficiently. Help more people, make more money!
Business Strategy #2: Create a Business Pipeline with Your Current Customers
Another way to serve your clients effectively while scaling your business is to create different offers for your clients’ varying phases of development. For example, you can offer a foundational product for clients who are just getting started and a more sophisticated product for those ready to climb to the next level. So it’s the same ideal client; you are just serving them with different offers for where they are in their journey.
As your customers progress, their needs change. So your offers can reflect their evolution through the process, and you can continue guiding them and helping them thrive.
I’ve seen entrepreneurs who didn’t build those strategies into their businesses. And even if they experienced massive growth, those business owners ran themselves into the ground. The effort it takes to keep that level of success going in a one-to-one or single-solution business is just not sustainable. Constant working, stress, no time for self-care… it’s a recipe for disaster! There’s also a whole heap of opportunity here, because after your client is finished with one of your offers, you can create an offer that’s all about the next step that they need.
The Secret Step Most Entrepreneurs Ignore: Mindset
It may sound woo-woo, but mindset work plays an enormous role in how your business unfolds. Yet it’s often waved off by entrepreneurs who just want to start SELLING.
Here’s the thing, though…taking the time to consider your value and what you bring to the table can change the outcome of who you’re attracting into your business. Are you drawing your ideal client? Or are you using up all of your energy trying to please the wrong clients? Your confidence and pricing determine that, which is why money mindset is a huge piece of the work I do with my clients and in my offers.
Visualize What It Feels Like to Reach Your Goals
Another component of mindset work is visualization. See yourself as the $10K-per-month entrepreneur you want to become.
- Who are your ideal clients?
- What do you post on social media?
- What factors influence your decisions?
- How many people are on your team?
- How much time do you spend working?
- How does it feel to receive large amounts of money?
By stepping into the next-level version of yourself, you take on the confident persona of the entrepreneur you aspire to be. And that energy is like MAGIC for your business!
Your Ideal Clients are Paying Attention
Keep in mind that your audience watches you for at least three to six months before they buy from you. When they see you as knowledgeable, consistent, and confident, it makes their decision to buy from you so much easier.
Without pausing to do this mindset work, you may be extending the amount of time it takes you to reach that $10K month. And as I mentioned earlier, even if you DO reach it, you may have a tougher time repeating it. Especially if hitting that number took nonstop, breakneck-pace hustling. At that point, the idea of ANOTHER $10K month is actually intimidating! You might even self-sabotage your efforts with that negative thinking.
Take it from me, when I first started Mind Your Intuition, I tried to scale it before I even had the confidence and the skills to sell, nor did I have an offer I was truly confident in. I relied heavily on Facebook ads, which went nowhere but $4K to Zuckerberg and no clients for me. It wasn’t until I really implemented the shifts I’m sharing with you here that things started to change.
Escape Your Everyday Routine to Get In-Depth Guidance on Scaling Your Business
The transformational business lessons above are exactly what I’m teaching on my upcoming Wanderlust Intuitive & Business Self-Care Retreat.
From April 14th through the 19th, five (so far!) adventurous business owners are meeting me on Ometepe Island in Nicaragua for an all-inclusive experience that will focus on all three foundational components of a successful 6-figures-and-beyond business:
- Business strategy
- Mindset
- Self-care
At the end of those six days, my fearless adventurers will emerge feeling so super supported that they’ll know exactly how to:
- scale their business with a 1-to-many offer,
- get the tools to expand their $100K+ money mindset, and
- tap into their intuition so they don’t waste time in self-doubt, fear, or procrastination.
There are just THREE spots left (including ONLY ONE private lake view bungalow)!
Right now, the price is $1897, but here’s a special deal for you…
I’ve opened up my calendar to schedule one-on-one calls with anyone who has questions about this retreat. If you book a call with me to talk through your questions, AND you sign up for the retreat on the call, you’ll get the early bird discount of $247 off. That means you can escape your everyday routine and participate in this transformative experience for just $1650.
That price includes accommodations at the breathtaking Wanderlust Utopia retreat space, mouth-watering vegan meals and snacks each day, AND transportation to the resort from the airport in Costa Rica.
The LAST DAY to sign up for the retreat is April 7th!
Don’t miss out on the business strategy sessions, amazing mindset workshops, and re-energizing self-care practices at a picturesque location at the base of a volcano on Ometepe Island.
Want more details about the retreat?
Ready to book a call? Let’s talk!